Sunday, November 11, 2012

How To Safely Jack Up Your Car

Jack up the car is seen as an easy job. Yes, yes it is. Unfortunately, while this work is associated with salvation, so not many car users who know the proper procedure.

Here we will give you the key points to note and executed when jacked up the car safely:

1. Position
Parking your car on a flat surface / flat. It is important that the fulcrum of the car on the jack does not shift. Then, align the position of the front tires.

2. Stop
Imposition of some kind of work to the car does not move forward or backward. First, place the transmission lever in position "P" (automatic transmission) or push to the point of "gear 1" (manual transmission). Second, pull the parking brake lever (commonly called handbrake) stepped on the brake pedal or parking (for cars with the parking brake pedal models).

In order to increase safety, use two wooden beams or red brick as a booster one of the wheels that will be the fulcrum when the car lifted. Put a block in front of the wheel, and the rest behind. If you still have a pair of wooden blocks, do the same thing on another tire that is parallel to it. For example, the two front tires or two rear tires will be the fulcrum.

3. Equipment
Prepare or remove equipment, such as jack and stick lever from inside the car.

4. User Manual
See the user manual for the position of the fulcrum best jack on your car. This step is important to avoid slip when you push up. Generally, the best point to jack located on the axle shaft near the suspension or on the underbody of the main frame.

5. Avoid To Lay Down On Car
Never enter the body or parts of the body, such as hands, under the car when the jack. This is necessary for your safety in case the jack slips. Therefore, use a long stick lever so you can play it from the side of the car.

6. Height
Raise the jack until the tire reaches a height of about 15 cm. Avoid higher boost to mitigate the effects of gravity that is easy to move the car.

7. Lower
Upon the successful repair or replace the wheel, turn the stick lever slowly so the car down safely. Then, return the jack to the place of origin.

Note: When doing a job boost, try no people or children in the cabin.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Understanding The Electric Cars

Electric Cars Are The Future Cars.

The electric car is a car powered by an electric motor, using electrical energy stored in batteries or other energy storage places. Electric cars are very popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century, but then its popularity waned as internal combustion engine technologies that are more advanced and the price of gasoline-fueled vehicles are getting cheaper.

The energy crisis in the 1970's and 1980's have aroused little interest in electric cars, but it was in the late 2000s was the new vehicle manufacturers pay attention to the vehicles electrical power. This is because oil prices soared in the late 2000s, and many people around the world who are aware of the bad effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

As of Novemver 2011, electric models are available and sold in the market some countries is the Tesla Roadster, Revai, Renault Fluence ZE, Buddy, Mitsubishi i MiEV, Tazzari Zero, Nissan Leaf, Smart ED, Wheego Whip LiFe, Mia electric, and BYD e6. Nissan Leaf, with sales of over 20,000 units worldwide (as of November 2011), [3] and the Mitsubishi i-MiEV, with global sales of over 17,000 units (up to October 2011), is the second best-selling electric car in the world.

Electric cars have several potential advantages when compared with ordinary internal combustion engine vehicles. The most important is the electric car produces no emissions vehicles. In addition, this type of car also reduces greenhouse gas emissions because it does not require fossil fuels as the main driving force. Ultimately, foreign oil dependency was reduced, due to some developed countries such as the United States and many European countries, higher oil prices could hit their economies. [1] [8] [9] For developing countries, high oil prices increasingly burdensome their balance of payments, thus hampering their economic growth.

Although electric cars have several potential benefits as mentioned above, but the widespread use of electric cars have a lot of obstacles and shortcomings. By the year 2011, the price of electric cars are much more expensive when compared with the combustion-engined car in regular and hybrid electric vehicles as the price of expensive lithium ion batteries. Even so, the current battery prices began to drop because of being produced in large numbers.

Another factor that inhibits the growth of the use of electric cars is still at least a charging station for Electric cars, plus endless fears riders will charge the car before they reach the destination. Some governments in several countries around the world have published some of the incentives and rules to cope with this problem, which aims to boost sales of electric cars, to finance the development of electric car technology that battery prices and car components can be more efficient.

The U.S. government has provided a grant of U.S. $ 2.4 billion for the development of electric cars and batteries. The Chinese government announced it that they will provide funds amounting to U.S. $ 15 billion to initiate an electric car industry in the country. Some local governments and national level in many countries have issued tax credits, subsidies, and many other incentives to reduce the price of electric cars and plug-in cars

Friday, November 9, 2012

Know Your Car Suspension and Transmission


Suspension is a collection of individual components functioning dampen shock, vibration that occurs in vehicle due to an uneven road surface which can enhance driving comfort and vehicle control. Vehicle suspension system is located between the body (skeleton) with wheels. Well there are two main types of suspension are:

  •      The suspension system dependent or rigid axle suspension system (rigid)
  •      Independent suspension system or independent suspension system.

A. Wheels in a shaft connected to the shaft stiff (rigid), rigid shaft is connected to the body by using springs, shock absorbers and control arm (control arm)

B. Between the wheel in one axis are not directly connected, each wheel (left and right wheels) is connected to the body or frame to the suspension arms (suspension arm), springs and shock absorbers. Shock or vibration in one of the wheels does not affect the other wheel.


Transmission system, in automotive, is a system that works for the conversion of torque and speed (rotation) of the engine torque and speed to vary forwarded to the final drive. This conversion changed the high rotational speed is lower but more powerful, or vice versa. There are 3 types of transmission, namely:

A. Manual Transmission: Transmission to change gears to require a driver as the car if you want to change gear / clutch gear must be pressed first.

B. Automatic Transmission: Transmission to change gears automatically or by itself.

C. Semi-auto transmission: Transmission to change gears with gearshift acceleration without stepping on / depress the clutch, the system uses electronic sensors, processors and actuators to move the gear acceleration on the order of the driver.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pro and Cons of the position of Car Engine

Knowing the position of the car along with its Pros and Cons.

1. Front Engine

Front engine layout engine is an order in a car that was in the front. The location of the engine is in the front is the most popular configurations. In this configuration the machine is placed in front of the passenger cabin.

  •     More secure (the machine can be a shield from impact from the front)
  •     More easily cooled (as it directly receives the flow of the wind)
  •     Easier to maintain (because of its position at the front, it is always visible to the driver and passenger)
  •     The weight of the car leaning forward
  •     For rear-wheel drive will be a lot of wasted energy
  •     Limiting aerodynamics

2. Central Engine / MR

Middle engine is the engine position laying on the front axle and rear axle. Advantages laying machine in the middle is the uneven distribution of weight distribution. Heaviest component in the car is placed as close as possible to the center of the vehicle, thus reducing the moment of inertia of the vehicle, now it is a measure of inertia moment of inertia of an object to rotate on its axis. (SI unit: kg m2)

3. Rear Engine

Back of the machine is one of the approaches in the design of vehicles, where the engine is placed on the back of the vehicle so that the vehicle can be styled rooms with easier and more aerodynamic.

  •     Easy on the production vehicle,
  •     Because of the location of the machine on wheels that propel the vehicle, the friction of the road is higher,
  •     It is easier to plan the passenger cabin space
  •     Radiation heat generated by the machine can be reduced with better
  •     Cabin space is less noisy than the front engine.
  •     Because of the location of the engine behind could result in vehicle driving around the corner to be more difficult,
  •     Can not detected the abnormalities that occur in the engine

4. V6 engine

V6 engine is an internal combustion engine with a 6-cylinder V configurations installed in the crankcase with two branches, each of which consists of 3 cylinders. Usually between branches forming a special angle or an acute angle to each other and the sixth running of the crankshaft piston. This machine is one of the most popular engine choice after inline 4 engine.

The engine is usually used in the plural modern car engine replaces the six-cylinder inline engines that require large space for today's modern cars. Although its structure is more complicated and not as smooth inline 6 engines, but the V6 engine is more compact, more rigid and tend to not cause vibration due to torque on the crankshaft. V6 engine is widely used as a medium sedan version where the optional inline 4 engine typically be standardnya or it could be as the standard engine in which the V8 engine to engine enhancements. V6 engine is currently widely used for machines with capacities ranging from 2.5L to 4.3 L (150 to 260 cu in)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Guide How to Take Care Of An Automatic Car

Driving an automatic car is easy. However, you need to understand how its use.

The tendency of people to use a vehicle with automatic car transmission has increased only recently. Not surprisingly, the various types of vehicles with a variety of type is also used automatic transmission.

Indeed, many of the reasons that affect, especially if it is seen that the condition of the capital Jakarta continues to overcome bottlenecks. Choice of this type of vehicle, it becomes very important and wise enough taste.

Automatic transmission is controlled by just moving the lever accelerated to a certain position. The position of the automatic transmission lever are prepared following the format PRND-3-2-L, or some are from left to right, or from top to bottom. Machine can only be turned on at the position P or N only.

Driving a car using an automatic transmission is easy. The driver does not need to step on the clutch pedal makes a quick left leg tired. Especially in bad condition and a long journey, you can imagine how tormented driving with a sore foot.

Now, in order to drive an automatic car is comfortable and fun, though impressed quite easy, riders still need to know the correct driving instructions.

Get to know in advance what each letter and number listed on the gear lever. For example, figure 1, is used when passing sharp climbs and steep slope as the engine brake. Number 2, it is suggested use when faced with uphill and downhill but not too steep. Meanwhile, the D could be used to travel within the city or outside the city. Last use R for reverse.

Automatic Car Transmission

Sooner or least damage to the automatic transmission itself depending on its usage. Perhaps, started driving a rough way, or vehicles carrying loads more. When the vehicle is properly treated and cared for properly, is much less likely to experience premature deterioration transmission.

Here are ways or tips that can be applied to automatic transmission car owners:

Adjust lubricant used with the specifications required by the vehicle manufacturer. Usually special transmission lubricant packaging marked with ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid).

Regularly check automatic transmission oil storage tubes, should not lack or excess by looking at the minimum and maximum marks. When a shortage of oil, resulting in less transmission properly lubricated, causing friction that can cause damage. When the excess, usually there will be effects will be felt heavily in the car accelerates.

Consider seriously schedule oil changes, must be in accordance with the user guide. Usually the oil changes done every 40,000 km, but there is also an oil change in the length of the 30,000 km 20,000 km.

Move the gear lever to position N when the car stopped at the traffic light to prevent wear. Do not use the D while the brake pedal. It will accelerate the wear of the components associated with the system or automatic transmission work. At the park the vehicle, the brake pedal and pull handbrake. Then move the gear lever to the P position so that the wheels locked safe, then turn off the engine.

If there is damage, it must be admitted that the automatic transmission treatment is more difficult than the workshop manual and not all can handle it. So, to be clear better check directly to the specific transmission repair shop that handles automatic transmission car manufacturers or authorized repair shop.

Finally, use the special lubricant Pennzoil offering quality automatic transmission, the ATF II E. This lubricant is specially formulated to meet the needs of a modern automatic transmission specifications. ATF II E provides protection against high temperature oxidation better friction on a more stable gearshift. And, protection at lower temperatures is excellent.